A Beginner’s Journey to Playing the Setar

It is not difficult to play Setar. This delicate and nuanced Persian instrument is cherished for its rich tonal quality and expressive capabilities. Key points for playing the Setar include mastering right-hand plucking techniques, proper left-hand finger placement for clear intonation and smooth transitions, as well as consistent practice of rhythmic patterns and melodic structures. This guide will provide an in-depth look into the techniques, Dastgahs, and detailed musical knowledge essential for mastering the Setar.


Understanding and playing the Setar

The Setar, which translates to “three strings” in Persian, is a member of the long-necked lute musical instrument family. Despite its name, it traditionally has four strings. The instrument is played with the index finger of the right hand, using the nail to pluck the strings. The Setar’s body is typically made of mulberry wood, while its neck is crafted from walnut or other dense woods. The instrument’s strings are usually made of steel or brass. Each Setar is composed of four different main parts, details of which are essential to play Setar and are explained below:

  • Pegbox and Pegs: The Setar has a distinctive pegbox with wooden pegs for tuning.
  • Neck: The neck is long and slender, providing a wide range of finger placement.
  • Body: The resonating body is often bowl-shaped, contributing to its warm sound.
  • Strings: Traditionally four, they are arranged in courses and tuned to specific pitches.


Tuning to play Setar

The first step in how to play Setar is tuning. The standard tuning for a Setar is C-G-C-C, with the strings tuned in unison or octaves depending on the desired tonal quality. For expert musicians, exploring alternative tunings can open new sonic possibilities and complement different musical styles. Details of tuning this instrument are as follows:


  • Standard Tuning (C-G-C-C): Standard tuning for the Setar typically follows the configuration of C-G-C-C. The first string, tuned to C, serves as the bass. The second string is tuned to G, while the third and fourth strings are both tuned to C, with the third string an octave higher than the first and the fourth string matching the third in pitch. This tuning creates a harmonious and resonant sound, providing a balanced foundation for both melodic and rhythmic playing. Expert musicians often explore alternative tunings such as D-G-C-C or C-F-C-C to experiment with different harmonic textures and expand their expressive range.
  • Alternative Tunings: Experiment with D-G-C-C or C-F-C-C to explore different harmonic textures.


How to play Setar?

The Setar demands precision and finesse. In the following subsections, we explain the right and left-hand techniques for playing this unique instrument.

How to Hold a Setar

Holding the setar correctly is crucial for playing it effectively and comfortably.

Basic Posture

  • Sit upright: Maintain good posture with your back straight.
  • Support the setar: Rest the body of the setar on your left thigh, allowing the neck to extend comfortably towards you.

Hand Placement

  • Left hand:
    • Place your left hand on the neck of the setar, using your fingers to press down on the frets.
    • Your thumb should be positioned behind the neck for support.
  • Right hand:
    • Hold the setar with your right hand, supporting the body of the instrument.
    • Your right index finger will be used for plucking the strings.
    • The remaining fingers can be used for support.

Important Tips

  • Relaxation: Avoid tension in your hands and arms.
  • Experiment: Find a position that feels comfortable and allows you to reach all the strings easily.
  • Watch videos: Visual demonstrations can be incredibly helpful. Search for “how to hold a setar” on platforms like YouTube.

Remember: Proper posture and hand placement are essential for developing good technique and preventing injuries.



Right-Hand Techniques

To explain how to play Setar, we must start with the right-hand technique. Right-hand techniques are crucial for producing the Setar’s distinctive sound. The primary technique, known as “Risha,” involves using the nail of the index finger to pluck the strings. Control over the angle and force of the pluck allows for varying tonal qualities. Alternating between rest strokes, where the finger rests on the next string, and free strokes, where the finger moves freely, enables dynamic contrasts and a rich palette of sounds.



Advanced right-hand techniques in playing the Setar include tremolo, a rapid back-and-forth movement between the index finger and thumb, creating a continuous, shimmering sound. This requires evenness and control for consistent volume and rhythm. Another essential technique is “Chaharmezrab,” which involves complex rhythmic patterns and rapid plucking to showcase technical skill. Practicing these techniques with a metronome enhances precision and speed, ensuring clean and articulate plucking. Mastery of these techniques allows Setar players to exploit the instrument’s expressive potential fully.


Left-hand Techniques

Left-hand techniques for playing the Setar involve precise finger positioning and control to achieve clarity and expressiveness in each note. Proper thumb placement behind the neck provides support, allowing fingers to move freely along the fingerboard. Using the fingertips to press the strings ensures clean, distinct notes. Vibrato, achieved through a subtle oscillation of the finger on the string, adds emotional depth to the music. Additionally, slides or glissandi, where the finger moves smoothly between notes, enhance fluidity and grace in playing.


How to play different Dastgahs and Gooshehs with Setar

Playing different Dastgahs on the Setar requires a comprehensive understanding of Persian modal systems and their distinct emotional expressions. Each Dastgah comprises specific intervals, motifs, and characteristic phrases that must be meticulously internalized. Start by studying the Radif, the canonical repertoire that provides the essential melodies and progressions for each Dastgah. Pay close attention to the precise intonation and subtle microtonal variations that define Persian music. Practice key Gooshehs within each Dastgah to familiarize yourself with their unique melodic contours and ornamentations. Use slow, deliberate practice to ensure accuracy and clarity, gradually incorporating advanced techniques such as vibrato, slides, and trills to add depth and expressiveness.

How to play different Dastgahs and Gooshehs with Setar


Mastering Gooshehs and playing Setar, the fundamental melodic units within each Dastgah, involves a deep dive into their specific structures and emotional nuances. Each Goosheh explores different aspects of the Dastgah’s scale, requiring expert control over pitch and rhythm. Practice each Goosheh individually, focusing on the intricate ornamentations and dynamic variations that bring out its character. Seamlessly transitioning between Gooshehs is crucial for maintaining the narrative flow of the Dastgah, which demands fluidity and musical intuition. Adequate practice can lead you to play Chaharmezrab. A highly rhythmic and intricate technique, Chaharmezrab involves rapid plucking patterns and complex rhythmic structures.


What do you need to know about Mezrabs to play Setar?

Playing the Setar with Mezrabs involves mastering intricate plucking patterns that add rhythmic and textural depth. Mezrabs, including sequences like Chaharmezrab, require precise timing and control for clarity. Practice with a metronome to develop speed and consistency and explore various rhythmic combinations to enhance your performance. Mastery of Mezrabs enriches the musical narrative, allowing for the seamless integration of rhythmic and melodic variations.



Mastering the Setar as an expert musician involves a blend of technical skill, theoretical knowledge, and emotional expression. By understanding its unique characteristics, perfecting advanced techniques, and immersing yourself in the rich tradition of Persian music, you can unlock the full potential of this captivating instrument. For those interested in exploring different types of Setars and discovering a range of options at various price points, visit Delarammusic. Our online shop offers a complete selection of high-quality Setars to suit every musician’s needs. Additionally, if you’re looking to enhance your skills or start your journey with the Setar, check out our webpage for information on our Setar classes, taught by experienced instructors dedicated to helping you master this beautiful instrument.